Sunday, November 8, 2009

there's nothing like...fellowship with friends

Saturday, we spent the afternoon in fellowship with some wonderful friends. Chuck, a great friend from church, invited the Tiedtke's and us to his house for the afternoon for a picnic. We enjoyed beautiful weather, food and fun. He was a most gracious host and cooked up a delicious dinner. We greatly appreciated his hospitality and hope we can return the favor in the near future.

Charles, our gracious host

Charles's & Ingrid's three beautiful girls




Simon piles leaves on Gretchen...Gretchen goes to return the favor:)

Elsi and Daddy hanging out

Leaf boy

Isaiah, chillaxin':)

Noah in the dog kennel...where he belongs:)

The dump...
the accusation...
the anger...
the threat.
I think someone has anger management issues;)

Elsi hard at work...raking leaves:)

Charlie Boy enjoying salsa...and...homemade guacamole. Yum!
1. Elsi finds hair clip.
2. Mr. Tiedtke shows her how to use it.
3. She tries it out on him:)

Steve and Drew called me away from Elsi to something...I just had to see. When I got there, this is what I found...

April works so hard, it's great to see her enjoying herself.

Rachel and Gretchen tree climbing

Ben & Simon tree climbing

Playing ball with Abby and petting kitty

Noah...being Noah:)

Playing ladderball, solo

Looks like someone enjoyed Hawaiian Punch:)

Strolling with Mr. Tiedtke

Not really sure what is going on here?

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